Well, maybe not demolished. I'm still down 85 pounds from my heaviest weight, but I am 35 pounds up from where I was prior to losing it. I've gotten back on track and then not stuck to it a few times, but this time I intend to blast through this ridiculous road block and finally lose the rest of the weight I want to lose. I'm probably looking at another 80 pounds, and I'm ready for it to be gone.
On Sunday I drove to Tucson for a big photography job, doing school photos for a preschool. When I was packing I made sure to include all of my workout clothes (including a bunch that I just got on sale at Target! I love finding workout clothes on sale even more than I love finding normal stuff on sale because they're usually so ridiculously expensive!), with the intention of working out while I'm here and eating healthfully.
I don't love working out alone, and I suggested walking to my mom, but she can't do it with her bad knees. So I thought I was gonna be completely on my own. However, on Monday my friend Jane invited me to climb "A" Mountain with her. It's a 1.8 mile hike to the top, and I've been wanting to start hiking anyway, so this was the perfect opportunity, with the added benefit of getting to hang out with one of my good friends that I don't get to see often enough.
At the top, with a great view overlooking Tucson |
The last few days have been sore ones for my legs and butt, but it's a good sore. I like the physical feeling and what it means for my body. I love being active and I am going to make it a priority again. I have to. If it wasn't pouring rain, I would go for a run right now, even though I would have to go alone. I might go anyway! Wait, no. I forgot that glasses in the rain is super obnoxious. Maybe I should get contacts again.