Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I won!!!

The Diet Bet is over, and I have won, despite very poor self control during the first two weeks.  In fact, by Easter, which capped off those weeks, I had gained two pounds from my initial weigh in.  When I drove to Tucson the following day to spend a week in a city where my mindset is stuck on weight gain because of old associations from living there during my fat miserable period of life, I was afraid that this diet bet would be a bust and I would lose my $25 buy in.  But then I used that fear to my advantage and kicked it into high gear.

What resulted in my determination was a loss of 12 pounds in two weeks, and it didn't even feel like I was killing myself to do it.  I was watching what I ate, but not to a super-strict regimented degree, and I was exercising moderately.  I was more consistent with keeping track of my calorie intake and burn each day with MyFitnessPal (where my name is FitnessyKate if you would like to be friends), and that always keeps me on track really well.

I'm still waiting to hear how much money I won from the $63,000 diet bet pot, but as soon as I have the credits, I will be putting another $25 or so into a new bet and starting all over again.  What great motivation to lose 4% of my body weight each month!  At that rate plus a few pounds more, I will be under 200 pounds in two months.  I have been waiting for that moment for a long time, and it is gonna be a BIG deal.  The last time I was under 200 pounds was 14 years ago.  14 YEARS!!!  I feel like I should throw a party when that moment comes.  Or have a ceremony or something.  I could take 130 pounds of something to symbolize all the weight I will have lost up to that point and carry it to a fire and toss it in and watch it burn as a I do a crazy dance around the flames.  Someone would definitely need to film that and we could make it into a documentary.  Maybe it will become the new thing to do at parties for giant amounts of weight lost.  Or in the loony bin, where I will no doubt end up if anyone witnesses these crazy antics.  What?  I can't stop the madness.  It's an integral part of who I am.  And I like me.

So on that note, it's time for some pictures.  I have put together some before and after pictures, also known as "Who Wore It Better: Weight Loss Edition".

First off, we have my diet bet weigh-in and weigh-out pictures.

After seeing the difference in those pictures, I realized that I could probably see a difference in the dress I wore on Easter:

 I was right. So then I took a sideways shot just for good measure.

 I wonder what it will look like next month after I lose another ten pounds!  Stay tuned, I'll post more pictures then!


  1. Awesome! Congrats on the weight loss - I was in the Diet Bet Challenge too! Love that you can SEE the difference! Feel so much better!

    1. Thank you! Did you win??
      And yeah, it's amazing that twelve pounds can make such a visible difference!

  2. that's so great! i came over from the link on the diet bet...

    1. Did you win? I love your blogger profile... child of God, lover of Jane Austen, crafts, shoes... we should be friends! :)

  3. You look fantastic!
    -Jeanette Larson Lewis

    1. Thank you, Jeanette! Hopefully soon enough I'll be closer to the size I was when we met in high school! That will be amazing! :)

  4. That's a cute dress! I won the diet bet challenge too. It was a lot of fun. Your results are amazing!

    1. Thank you! Congratulations on your win too! Are you gonna do another diet bet? I'm looking for another one to join right now.

  5. Way to go! Do the crazy fire dance...i want to be there. Ill drive out and burn mine too! I hit my goal. If you count that I started at 223 when I first started ended at 214. The game was already 1 1/2 weeks in when I joined so my first 3 lbs were not accounted for or id have some cash too. Next one. Im proud of you and you have inspired me to keep going. =) it will be 6 years over 200. Im ready to get fit and make my hubby bean at his bride again.

    1. My crazy fire dance will be MUCH more fun with you, friend!!! Let's do this thing!

  6. Aww congrats, I keep hearing about DietBet but have yet to check it out. Its amazing what a two week difference can make, glad to have found your blog!!

    1. Thanks Frances! You should definitely check it out. It's SUCH great motivation and everyone is so supportive and encouraging! I checked out your blog too and you're doing an amazing job!
