Probably harder than portion control: not eating four hours before I go to bed. I am truly surprised I didn't crack last night.
I got up at 2pm (again, I went to bed at 5 in the morning. I need to readjust my schedule to include some normalcy of some sort) and ate a breakfast of yogurt and muesli. I meant to bring some almonds to work for a snack, but I forgot, and when I left work at 7pm, I went straight to the movie theater to meet my cousins for Megamind (Really really funny! I completely recommend it to anyone with a sense of humor!), and I got a hot dog, which was the best choice there. I had some of somebody else's popcorn too. What a lunch. After the movie I went back to my cousin's house and we ended up hanging out until 1:30am, and I didn't get home until 2. I was incredibly hungry, but I didn't want to stay up another four hours, so I didn't eat anything. I drank water, but that didn't work. So I drank more water. And then I read an article in Ladies Home Journal about cholesterol, and went to bed still hungry. It's not like I wanted to eat crap, but eating anything would have gone against my rules, and if I start making excuses and breaking rules now, I will never last. Instead, I need to be more prepared and carry food around with me all the time. This is turning into an all-out discipline overhaul! I do need some major discipline in my life. In just under a month, the spring semester starts and I have five classes. I also need to get another job so that I can pay my rent. I think this will be a very interesting few months to come, but I hope to come out of them disciplined and healthy.
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